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Galactic Moon Festival Guide

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Galactic Moon Festival Guide Empty Galactic Moon Festival Guide

Post  Q'in Wed Oct 15, 2008 2:09 am

First the basics:
Z'oz is the organiser of the festival, he can be found directly in front of the Mos Eisley starport, or off to the right in an island in the river near the Moenia salon in front of the starport.

Talk to Z'oz and ask for a costume, he will give you a costume (applies a buff, see below in FAQ for more details) and an MK1 trick or treat projector.

With the costume active walk up to an NPC, set it as your intended target and say "trick or treat".

The unfortunate NPC will have one of two responses, either he will like your costume and give you 5 coins, or he won't and will give you nothing, don't despair, he's asking for a trick.

Now if you activate your trick or treat projector you can choose which trick to apply (see below for details). The easiest way to activate the projector is to place it on your toolbar and use the appropriate special key / right click the mouse.

The NPC will have one of three responses to this, either he'll brush you off and give you nothing, be scared and give you 5 coins or he'll be terrified and give you 10 coins, only 5 of which will count to your limit.

What's the limit? ah, well, to prevent folk mass grinding this event and finishing it in one day there is a limit on how much scaring you can do each day. The cap is 600 coins (which is enough to buy most items, see below for full price list) and resets each day at 10am GMT (3am pacific daylight time).

Now you've got some coins head back to Z'oz and you can see some of the treats you can buy from him or save up till the next day (or next year).

That's the basics of GMF, and remember - Jawa's rule!

What costumes are there?
  • Hutt - big fat slow slug, aside from looking cool and talking out of his butt I personally suggest dumping this costume if you get it, it's half the speed of any other costumes.
  • Jawa - the coolest of the cool, this costume rules (except he has a tiny snare to account for his short legs)
  • Salacious Crumb - tiny little blighter, has a slight speed boost over a player normal speed
  • Toydarion (Watto) - flying costume, has a bigger speed boost over a player normal speed
  • Droideka - second only to the Jawa for coolness, same speed boost as Watto.

How long do costumes last?
30 Minutes, unless you enter space (including traveling using a starship) or enter combat, in which case you will lose the costume. You can also cancel a costume by talking to Zoz for a new one or right clicking the buff icon.

How long before I can get a replacement costume?
5 minutes. The count starts when you get the costume, so if you get one, use it for 10min then you can get a replacement straight away.

What happened to my gun?
All weapons (and instruments) are unequipped when a costume is put on, you will have to manually re-equip the weapon if you get into combat.

I saw a really cool Jawa running around Theed, how'd that happen?
You can travel while in a costume if you use a ticket and shuttle, not a starship, so you can reach anywhere in the galaxy.

Who can I scare?
Most NPC's in Mos Eisley or Moenia can be scared. Droids I'm afraid had their humour chips removed by order of the emperor (the lesser known order 67 implemented after C-3PO tried to tell anakin a joke) and a few famous folk aren't happy with Jabba so aren't taking part. Note, you can scare NPC's who are white on radar, yellow on radar (i.e. cops) AND red on radar (i.e. swoop gangs on the outskirts of eisley) as well as the factional troops walking or guarding the two cities.

Why is this NPC not being scared, system message says he is ashamed?
There are three groups not taking part in the festival, droids and celebrities noted above but also a few very very old NPC's (for example the two chiss arguing with the stormtroopers for 5 years in the eisley cantina). There were technical issues getting them to function with the system so they have been excluded and should be ashamed of themselves (as well as those two clearly needing anger management classes). These NPC's are mostly in small groups of two or three NPC's which appear to be in conversation with each other using telepathy.

Why did he attack me after I scared him?
Cause you got too close. The NPCs follow the normal rules on agro, so if you have too low a faction rating or they are red on radar and you get too close they will attack you, scared or not!

How can I scare more efficiently?
Get a better projector, the mk2 is available for 200 coins from Zoz, and he can upgrade the Mk2 to the Mk3 projector for 700 more coins (note, this is a conversation option, not in his list of sale items). You can also macro part of the process, the macro I used is as follows:

/say trick or treat;/pause 0.5;/ui action toolbarSlot00

Put the projector in the first slot of the toolbar and the above will fire the projector, pick the trick and click ok to scare them. Note the /say is important or you end up spamming guildchat or whatever chat tab you are on.

Why can't I scare this NPC? he says he has just seen me
Each NPC has a timer of 4min, once you scare him or her you need to give them a break (they have short memories). Note someone else can come along and scare him, you'll still have to wait as they remember you for the 4min.

It's too busy in Eisley, I went to bestine but no one is responding to my cool Jawa costume! Why not?
Unfortunately Jabba's only distributed coins in Moenia and Eisley, no other citizens can be scared.

I can't tell who I scared in the last 4 minutes, who should I scare next?
Try to stay methodical and move around in a planned way, stay on course and you can get around eisley in around 15-20min and will be around 5-600 coins on one run around. My route in eisley starts from the starport, heads past the profession counsellor to the crowd in front of the guild hall, from there back past the shuttleport and through past the cantina (can go in for a few extra npc's), head out of the city and scare the swoop gang (not recommended for low level toons) and come back into the city past the collector npc, head out and hit the other swoop gang and then back into the city for the cloning centre, bank and smaller cantina (note most npc's inside can't be scared, crowd outside can) and then back to starport where I normally cap out.

My projector only says it is going to last 20 days, will it disappear?
Yes. The Mk1 and Mk2 projectors are temporary, after the end of the event they will vanish. The Mk3 projector is permanent and can be placed in a house as decoration, it will project fog around a room and when a player enters will fire a random trick at them.

What tricks are there?
  1. Spiders
  2. Skulls
  3. Ghosts
  4. Fire (don't try this at home! only available on Mk2 or Mk3 projector)
  5. Wormhole (only available on Mk3 projector)

Why should I get a better projector?
Better chance to scare/terrify and the Mk3 one is permanent.

What else can I buy?
Prices in GMF coins (NT indicates item is no trade, U indicates it is unique):
  • Badge/Title (NT obviously)- 900
  • House/shop sign (NT) - 900
  • Painting (NT) - 900
  • Song (NT) - 900
  • Mk2 projector (NT,U) - 200 (Mk3 (NT) upgrade 700)
  • Storyteller tokens - 400 (Token is permanent but has max 2 uses per day)
  • Krayt mini skeleton - 400
  • Webs - 200
  • Lanterns - 200
  • Candles - 200
Pheremones (NT) are 5,000 credits.

How can I use a pheremone?
Use it like a projector, place it on the toolbar and "fire" it at another player (or target yourself), effect lasts 5 minutes and will use on cube. The cubes can also be used as decoration.

How long will the event last?
The stuff in Eisley and Moenia will last from 14 Oct to 7 Nov, however items purchased from Zoz will remain after the event has ended (excluding the trick or treat mk1 and mk2 projectors which will vanish).

Am I collecting something? I keep hearing "Utinni"
No, you are wearing the cool costume and when you scare someone without the projector your costume has a built in sound effect. Other costume use other sounds (for example the infamous Hutt laugh).

How many coins do I need?
How long is a piece of string? It depends what you want to fit out your character or house, see prices above for what you can get.

Posts : 370
Join date : 2008-03-20
Age : 49
Location : Denmark - EST+6

Main character info
Profession: Commando
CL: 90
Pilot: Rebel Ace Pilot


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