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Stratics House of Commons Chat Transcript

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Stratics House of Commons Chat Transcript Empty Stratics House of Commons Chat Transcript

Post  Q'in Fri Dec 05, 2008 3:14 pm

Stratics House of Commons Chat Transcript Chat_transcripts

This is just a small cut of what was discussed ... see the full transcript here

Thursday, December 4, 2008

<@Brannoc> *AdommCroash* There seems to be alot of gifts this year for life day. Can you give us any information on how these will be obtained.

<@Dotanuki> One major gift is obtained by going on a quest for Saun Dann. Most other gifts are available on the Life Day vendors. Specific details will be available in the public testing notes in the next couple of days.


<@Brannoc> *Malto_Bethrin* Will we see any more housing types be added to the game in the future? With the release of the diner we now have 2 houses that were added by a type of reward. Will we ever see new houses in schematic form?

<@Loche> *Malto_Bethrin* This is something we are definitely considering for the structure trader update


<@Brannoc> *Naritus_FTW* I have seen it suggested that when the free CTS is active, those eligible for free transfers will not be permitted to transfer to servers with the highest population, but instead only to moderately populated servers. Is this true? Will Bria, and others be off-limits?

<@Dotanuki> Hi Naritus. No, that is not true. Bria and others will NOT be off limits.


<@Brannoc> *Lexx* Is there any chance of vehicular combat being allowed outside of Hoth?

<@Loche> *Lexx* There is always a chance....

<@Loche> Bringing the vehicular combat changes out of hoth is something we would like to do. We don't have a time frame as of yet, but is something on my white board.


<@Brannoc> *Cripop* With the release of Hoth what does this do to the timeline in SWG? Is it going to be advanced?

<@Dotanuki> No, the timeline is not being advanced. Hoth was released as a "Star Wars Moment". It's a standalone thing not meant to affect our timeline.

- end

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