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Star Wars Galaxies First Annual Threepie Awards

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Star Wars Galaxies First Annual Threepie Awards Empty Star Wars Galaxies First Annual Threepie Awards

Post  Q'in Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:21 am

It is my pleasure to announce to you the upcoming celebration of Star Wars Galaxies first ever Threepie Awards! This is your opportunity to use your creativity and skill to create in-game movies for this prestigious film award.

Participants will have the opportunity to compete in four categories:
  • Best Comedy
  • Best Romance
  • Best Horror
  • Best Sci-Fi
The top five movies from each category will be voted on and selected by the development team. These five movies will then be voted on by you, the community, in an online poll.
Winners will be given a brand new forum icon: Star Wars Galaxies First Annual Threepie Awards C3po A C-3P0 awards statue, or for short, a Threepie! Winners will also be given the very exclusive forum rank of Auteur. This rank is exclusive because it will only be given to the winner’s of each category and only given out once a year!

Winners from each category will then have their movies hosted by the official Star Wars Galaxy YouTube account!

Rules and Regulations:
  • All movies must be shot using only in-game assets. No music, pictures, or scenes from any of the actual Star Wars films. Any movies submitted featuring content from anything other than Star Wars Galaxies will be automatically disqualified.
  • Movies must not exceed 2 minutes and 30 seconds in length.
  • Users must submit their movies on their own YouTube page. Do not send in any movie files. All forum rules with regards to external links apply, so please make sure your YouTube account is clean and free of any vulgar images or language.
  • Movies submitted before they are called for will not be considered. Please only send in your movies the week they are called for.
  • Entrants must have a valid game subscription along with a forum account in good standing.
Keep your eye on the forums for the announcement of the first category and call for entrants! Get your creative juices flowing and get to work on your master piece!

- Elias


Posts : 370
Join date : 2008-03-20
Age : 49
Location : Denmark - EST+6

Main character info
Profession: Commando
CL: 90
Pilot: Rebel Ace Pilot


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