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Star Wars Game Update 11 + 2 Monday features

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Star Wars Game Update 11 + 2 Monday features Empty Star Wars Game Update 11 + 2 Monday features

Post  Q'in Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:30 am

Star Wars Game Update 11 + 2 Monday features Swg_feature_empireday

Publish Notes, June 23rd, 2009

  • Empire Day: We're bringing back the event from last year and have added many new features to ensure it is as exciting if not more so, than our past three events. Enhancements were made to the entire event from last year.
  • Bounty Hunter: In this update we have changed Carbine expertise line to effect both carbines and pistols. You will find that deadly strikes now effect pistols as well. We have made changes to allow Relentless Onslaught to work with pistols.
  • Community Requests: Introducing the ability to wear backpacks with all Jedi robes. In addition to this update head-wear can now be worn with elder Jedi robes.
Empire Day
  • This year the tension heats up between the Alliance and the Empire. Both factions are recruiting members to help post propaganda and tear down whatever propaganda the other side managed to post. Entertainers are recruited to boost the troops' morale, while Traders are hired to help keep supplies flowing to the front lines.
  • Darth Vader will be making appearances in Theed every 15 minutes.
    • Darth Vader will be handing out badges to 3 to loyal Imperial players every time he arrives.
    • To attain the badge, select the Bow radial option on Darth Vader.
    • Imperials seeking Empire Day quests and events can go to Theed and seek out:
      • Major Brenn Tantor for Recruitment and Anti-Propaganda Events (Naboo -5395 4465)
      • Droid Kaythree for Trader and Entertainer Quests (Naboo -5536 4372)
      • Mara Jade for Combat Quests (Naboo -5534 4369)
  • Princess Leia will be making appearances in Coronet every 15 minutes.
    • Princess Leia will be handing out badges to 3 to loyal Alliance players every time she arrives.
    • To attain the badge, select the Bow radial option on Princess Leia.
    • Rebels seeking Remembrance Day quests and events can go to Coronet and seek out:
      • Captain Derlin for Resistance and Vandalism Events (Corellia -187 -4112)
      • Major Carlist Rieekan for Trader and Entertainer Quests (Corellia -188 -4115)
      • Wedge Antillies for Combat Quests (Corellia -243 -4150)
  • Both Ceremonies have been expanded upon and improved.
    • There are now Imperial and Rebel naval flybys at the end of the ceremonies.
    • There are new Imperial and Rebel fireworks at the end of the ceremonies.
    • Sentries have been placed to help keep order.
    • More troops are participating in the ceremonies.
  • New rewards have been added to the Celebration Coordinators for purchase by players participating in the events.
  • Both the Emperor's Statue and Yoda's Fountain display the player's eligibility for a badge from Princess Leia and Darth Vader.
  • Both the Emperor's Statue and Yoda's Fountain have new gifts for players.
  • All 2008 issues with choosing of players for badges have been fixed.
  • Neutral players can participate in Kiosk events for the faction of their choice.
  • Neutral players can participate in Entertainer and Trader quests for the faction of their choice.
  • A player may switch faction to complete the other factional content but can only receive one Champion badge from Princess Leia or Darth Vader.
Player City:
  • Structures on a server boundary are no longer prevented from being packed up if they are flagged with 'Zoning Violation'.
  • Fixed an issue that caused City Elections to not show the New Mayor's name.
  • City MOTD: Visitor Message is now prefaced with "City(YourCityNameHere?) Message: ".
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Ousted Mayor's noTrade Items to become unusable when transferring the City Hall/Cloning Centers.
  • Entertainer buffs should now retain their full buff value when they decay due to PvP death.
Bounty Hunter
  • Changed Carbine expertise line to effect both carbines and pistols.
    • Carbine Efficiency is now Small Arms Efficiency.
    • Carbine Accuracy is now Small Arms Accuracy.
    • Deadly strikes now effect pistols too.
      • Pistol critical chance is increased by 10.
      • Pistol Range is increased by 5.

    • Relentless Onslaught now works with pistols.
  • Backpacks can now be worn with all Jedi robes.
  • Head-wear can now be worn with elder Jedi robes.
  • Added Costume for Royal Guard.
  • Added Costume for Super Battle Droid.
  • Critical Hit Fire Damage Over Time ticks should no longer only tick once.
Treasure Maps
  • Players can now search for their treasure up to 15 meters away from the treasure waypoint.
Destroying Vendors
  • Players must type in the 6-digit code in order to destroy a Player Vendor.
Text Chat
  • If you are having guild text chat issue, you can now use the command. /guildTextChatRoomRejoin to leave and rejoin the guild text chat room to attempt to resolve the issue.
  • If you are having group text chat issue, you can now use the command /groupTextChatRoomRejoin to leave and rejoin the group text chat room to attempt to resolve the issue.
  • If you are having room text chat issue, you can now use the (now always enabled) Leave button on the text chat channel browser window to leave the room, and then use the Join button to rejoin the room to attempt to resolve the issue.
Voice Chat
  • This is an updated version of the voice chat system from our partners at Vivox. As part of this update, you will see a new process running in the background. It's called "SWGVoiceService.exe".
  • Depending on your firewall settings, you may need to allow this application to access the internet.
Vet Reward
  • 72 Month Vet rewards have been added.
  • Dueling: You may not start a duel if you are already in combat.
  • The Hanging TCG House Sign will now be angled properly when attached to the Mustafar Bunker.

Last edited by Q'in on Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 370
Join date : 2008-03-20
Age : 49
Location : Denmark - EST+6

Main character info
Profession: Commando
CL: 90
Pilot: Rebel Ace Pilot


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Star Wars Game Update 11 + 2 Monday features Empty "Monday" Feature on Tuesday - Ultimate Rebel Fangurl

Post  Q'in Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:29 pm

Star Wars Game Update 11 + 2 Monday features Header-06-23-09

Hi, true believers! I'm Prilly, the ultimate Rebel Fangurl. I love everything Alliance! X-wings, Y-wings, Droids, Seekrit Bases, Pilots, Uniforms, Posters, EVERYTHING! I follow them where ever they go. I can go on and on and on about how Princess Leia is so hawt! I even copied her hair do. And Han Solo! Dreamy! C-3PO makes me giggle! R2-D2 is the best!

Recently I've been following them around taking a lot of pictures of them with my remote camera droid. I got this really cool one of me next to an Alliance banner. When I get a chance I get the famous Alliance types to sign them. They are so cool!

Star Wars Game Update 11 + 2 Monday features Remembranceday-test3
NOTE: Picture is oversized - click here to see the full size

This day I was at the theatre in Coronet at the Remembrance Day festivities. It was fun seeing all these Alliance types there. They were all standing around talking, and giving away gifts at the fountain of Yoda. Just as I was getting my gift when I was stopped by this Captain Derlin guy. He thrusts a bunch of posters in my arms and says to go hang them from the unused kiosks around the city. And before I could object he hands me a can of paint and tells me to make some art work out of the Empire Day posters. It sounded fun, so I shrugged and went about it. Hey, the posters had Luke Skywalker on them, so why not, huh?

Star Wars Game Update 11 + 2 Monday features Remembranceday2
NOTE: Picture is oversized - click here to see the full size

It was on this special poster hanging mission, that I saw him. The one who eluded me all this time. I got Han, Leia, Luke, Mon Mothma, Ackbar, even C-3PO and R2-D2. There he was, the one autograph I could never get: Wedge Antilles. THE Wedge Antilles.

I tried to get his attention, but I guess he was too busy standing gazing at his huge X-wing. Which I have to say looked extremely awesome next to the theatre there. Then our eyes met . It was like the heavens fell to Corellia. He summoned me over with words I will never forget: "Hey, you, girl with the cinnabun hair and the camera droid, I gotta job for you." He is so sweet.

Star Wars Game Update 11 + 2 Monday features Remembranceday3
NOTE: Picture is oversized - click here to see the full size

I got a ticket to Yavin IV. He told me to take a look at a crashed Lambda shuttle. Which I did, even forwarded him the information on the flight computer. It seems it was headed to a prison of some sort also on Yavin IV. So I took pictures of that, too.

When I came back he wanted to see my pictures. He took the one of the base and made a big circle on it say that this was the prison. I nodded. I wasn't sure what he was telling me this for, but I was next to Wedge Antilles and he was talking to me! That's when he pulled out a blue print and six other pictures. He told me the names of the guys and marked numbers on the diagram where he thought they were. Then he put an X next where he said some Alliance pilots may be held.

Then I asked the stupid question, "Why are you telling me this?"

He said, "Because I'm sending you in there to get them out. Disguise the pilots as these people here in these pictures, and they should be able to walk right out. Good luck, fangurl"

Star Wars Game Update 11 + 2 Monday features Remembranceday4
NOTE: Picture is oversized - click here to see the full size

Yeah, so I did what he asked. It wasn't too hard I guess. And the mission was fun. But the best thing:

I got Wedge Antilles' autograph!

Star Wars Game Update 11 + 2 Monday features Remembranceday5
NOTE: Picture is oversized - click here to see the full size



Coronet Theatre:
/waypoint Corellia -206 -4117 orange "Coronet Theatre"

Captain Derlin:
/waypoint Corellia -185 -4113 orange "Captain Derlin"

Wedge Antilles:
/waypoint Corellia -243 -4152 orange "Wedge Antilles"

Lambda Shuttle:
/waypoint Yavin4 -81 4939 orange "Crashed Lambda Shuttle"

Imperial Prison Bunker:
/waypoint Yavin4 4001 -6167 orange "Imperial Prison Bunker"

The mission reward really is Wedge Antilles' Autograph plus some GCW point and Rebel tokens.

Posts : 370
Join date : 2008-03-20
Age : 49
Location : Denmark - EST+6

Main character info
Profession: Commando
CL: 90
Pilot: Rebel Ace Pilot


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Star Wars Game Update 11 + 2 Monday features Empty "Monday" Feature - in the Shadow of the Empire

Post  Q'in Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:33 pm

Star Wars Game Update 11 + 2 Monday features Header-06-21-09

Mara Jade (-5536 4369 ) has been overseeing the Empire Day Celebration for the Emperor and making sure all of the Imperial Troops are poised and ready for any rebellion backlash. This, of course is an easy task for the troops surrounding the area. Ready to report back to the Emperor himself, she is looking for your assistance doing her light work so that she can remain at her post at the Theed Palace.

Star Wars Game Update 11 + 2 Monday features Mara

Prepare yourself for battle for she hasn’t informed you of your tasks, but sends you to a location on Corellia to search the wreckage of a ship in order to search for intel. Don’t let her down for she holds your reputation in the balance with the Emperor.

Star Wars Game Update 11 + 2 Monday features Shot1-06-21-09-test3

Upon investigation, you find intelligence of a Rebel Hide Out on Corellia (-6543 5966). She sends you there with much haste to find out if it is heavily guarded. As you aren’t sure if it is, in fact, armed with rebels, it isn’t wise to go alone on this venture. If only she had confided in others to help. Maybe you could have a few trusted Imperials help in these ventures.

Star Wars Game Update 11 + 2 Monday features Reb-prison

Looks like, you aren’t only to see if it is heavily guarded but it turns out, via comlink, that this is a rescue mission to free six Imperial Officers that are being detained. She keeps you up to date on the new mission but much of it is making sure you are prepared for battle and can force your way past the myriad of rebel guards. Be sly while roaming the halls of the prison for you might become one yourself if you aren’t careful.

Star Wars Game Update 11 + 2 Monday features Empireday-map

Not only do you have to find the six officers but you have to figure out how to get them out of the center alive. For failure is not an option. It is rumored that if you can kill high ranking Rebels, you can get clothes that will disguise the Imperial officers.

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Are you up to the challenge? For your efforts, not only are you helping the Mara Jade, but you are bringing honor to the Imperial Army by restoring balance in the Empire and will be named for your bravery and heroism by the Imperial High Command. Not to mention, Mara Jade will also give you a token of her appreciation.

Star Wars Game Update 11 + 2 Monday features Com-number

Posts : 370
Join date : 2008-03-20
Age : 49
Location : Denmark - EST+6

Main character info
Profession: Commando
CL: 90
Pilot: Rebel Ace Pilot


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