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Game Update 12: Armor Use Facts

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Game Update 12: Armor Use Facts Empty Game Update 12: Armor Use Facts

Post  Q'in Tue Aug 04, 2009 6:25 am

Facts and Information about Jedi and Armor Use in Game Update 12
by Jedi Senator Glzmo

Since there is much misinformation going around everywhere about Armor Use for Jedi in Game Update 12 and people are panicking because of it, here are some facts about it to do away with some of the myths and urban legends floating about and show that there really is no need to panic.

  • Jedi will be able to wear any regular armor for protection and modifiers at level 22 like any other profession from Game Update 12 on without penalties (the lightsaber damage penalty has been removed).
  • This will allow levelling Jedi to be on par with other professions when it comes to armor.
  • Robes and cloaks will still be available.
  • There will be no balance issues stemming from this.
    • Extensive balance testing done by the devs has revealed that High-end Jedi armor Cloaks and Robes (Shatterpoint Cloak, Cloak of Hate, Elder Jedi Arbiter Robe, Elder Jedi Oppressor Robe) will still be slightly better than a full suit of primus layered armor outfitted with maxed out attachment. Testing has been done with any combination, including so-called Block suits, Evasion/Dodge suits and much more.
    • Here is the comparison of maximum modifiers with the Collection cloaks, elder robes and armor including the Belt of Bodo Baas:
      • Full Suit of Armor: (11 x (35 x 3)) + 200 = 1355 points
      • Cloak of Hate: (6 x (35 x 3)) + (135 x 4) + 325 = 1495 points (+ 4% Force Electrical Damage)
      • Shatterpoint Cloak: (6 x (35 x 3)) + (135 x 4) + 325 = 1495 points (+ 4% Lightsaber Damage)
      • Elder Jedi Arbiter: (4 x (35 x 3)) + (250 x 3) + 325 = 1495 points (+ Gift of the Light Side damage proc)
      • Elder Jedi Oppressor Robe: (4 x (35 x 3)) + (250 x 3) + 325 = 1495 points (+ Gift of the Dark Side damage proc)
  • This change has been partly implemented because of the new, craftable cybernetics in Game Update 12, partly to solve a whole bunch of nagging legacy issues with Jedi and armor without having to spend 1-2 full game updates for it exclusively.
  • The change was simple, easy and didn't take much effort to implement - all that had to be changed was a variable and the addition of the "Armor Use" skil at level 22 of the Jedi profession skill wheel just like any other profession. It didn't take any time away from any other potential fixes for the Jedi profession or anything else. Any other solution would have taken a massive amount of development time and resources which can now be better spend on other things, be it for improvements of the Jedi profession or any other aspects of the game.
  • This change benefits Jedi in the low end of the spectrum as well as Jedi that are still levelling up. High-end equipped Jedi don't benefit too much, except that they have a greater choice in variety.
  • Completing the Master Cloaks Collection will still be worth it for those that want to have the best of the best, as the Shatterpoint Cloak and the Cloak of Hate (as well as the two Elder Robes) in combination with clothing with attachments are still better than a full suit of armor with attachments. However finishing the collection won't be so much of a "Must have to play efficiently" now. Jedi will be able to enjoy the game using armor and do the collection as they go along and still be able to enjoy high-end content without too much trouble and not feel forced to log on and only grind holocrons for weeks and months until they finally have armor that allows them to be on par with other professions.
  • This change will also allow Jedi to wear regular armor to be worn in the Appearance tab, allowing Jedi the same amount of appearance customization options as any other profession.
  • It will unify the armor system in SWG, making it easier for the devs to build upon in the future without having to worry about some professions being unable to benefit from it.
  • Various reward armor will be wearable by the Jedi Profession.
  • It will allow for easier addition of armor rewards for all professions in the future. This means more rewards and content for everyone, no matter the profession!
  • New Robes and cloaks will be easier to be added in the future as Appearance items.
  • This gives Jedi a choice, it doesn't force anyone into anything. With the appearance tab Jedi can still look however they want to look, they just have more options and choices available now.
  • This change is in-line with Star Wars canon/lore since many Jedi in the Star Wars universe wear armor, especially in the time SWG is set in where Jedi are supposed to be in hiding and not running around in their Robes, except on agricultural worlds where such clothing is common.
  • Protection from equipped Jedi Robes or Cloaks will override any other armor protection that is worn simultaneously. This means when a Jedi wears an armored Robe/Cloak together with any pieces of armor, only the armor values of the armored Cloak/Robe stick and the ones for the other armor pieces are ignored. The modifiers from the armor pieces are still applied, however.
  • Allows Jedi to buy armor from traders and cybernetics from Engineers to boost their sales.
I hope this will help to clear the myths and misinformation on armor use for Jedi up and help to nullify of any concerns people might have about the change. There really is no need to panic, it's a fix that is for the best of the game which any reasonable individual that takes an objective look at it will understand.

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