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Master Jedi Cloak

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Master Jedi Cloak Empty Master Jedi Cloak

Post  Q'in Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:51 pm

Collection starts from Master Jedi at ....WP -5520, -2643 on Corellia (Tyrena)

Collection Requirements

  • Unlock Meditate
  • Unlock Belt of Bodo Baas (Jedi Waist Pack)
  • Fifth Gen Saber (Turn In Jinsu Razor To Antaria Wellos (a melodramatic Jedi) on Rori (300 -982) & Collect Ten Jedi Relics Looted From Nightsisters On Dathomir or Force Sensitives on Dantooine)
IMPORTANT: When turning in a Jinsu Razor to Antaria Wellos, please make sure that you only have one Jinsu Razor on your character, and that the JInsu saber you have is empty, and is the one you wish to turn in. Please leave any other Jinsu sabers you might have in your home or bank.

  • Two Handed Fifth Gen Saber (Kill Fire Boss (4th Boss in Exar Kun Instance & Kill 10 Black Guard Grenadors On Imperial Star Destroyer Instance)
  • Polearm Fifth Gen Saber (Kill Suin Chalo Nightsister Instance General & Kill 10 Tusken Warlords Tusken King Instance)
  • Defeat Umakk Bre'ano - Silver Boss Light Jedi Statue at Dantooine (/wp -4219 33 4249)
  • Defeat Quillara - Silver Boss Dark Jedi Statue at Yavin 4 (/wp -2157 16 7233)

After You Do The Requirements, you can go to any Force Shrine and meditate. Once you do that, you will be given the choice to get the Master Jedi Cloak which can either be the "Cloak of Hate" or the "Shatterpoint Cloak."
Required profession: Force Sensitive/Jedi
Required level to equip: 90
Tradeable: No
Force Protection Intensity: Radiant
Skill Mods:
  • Agility +135
  • Constitution +135
  • Luck +135
  • Strength (Strength Is On The Shatterpoint Cloak) +135
  • Precision (Precision Is On The Cloak of Hate) +135

  • Kinetic: 6500
  • Energy: 6500
  • Heat: 6500
  • Cold: 6500
  • Acid: 6500
  • Elec: 6500

The Cloak of Hate also Has +4 to Electricity Damage & The Shatterpoint Cloak offers +4 to all Saber Damage
Master Jedi Cloak CloakofHate
Cloak of Hate
Master Jedi Cloak ShatterpointCloak
Shatterpoint Cloak

Posts : 370
Join date : 2008-03-20
Age : 49
Location : Denmark - EST+6

Main character info
Profession: Commando
CL: 90
Pilot: Rebel Ace Pilot


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Master Jedi Cloak Empty Umakk Bre'ano

Post  Q'in Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:24 am

Master Jedi Cloak Lightjedi

Taken from An idiot's guide to defeating Umakk Bre'ano and Quillara Adeen on the SoE forums.

  • 2 points str
  • 2 points agi
  • 2 points const
  • 4 points alacrity
  • 2 points in anything else to get 12 (I put mine in saber throw damage)
  • 4 points in saber block (absolute necessity)
  • full light side tree
For an ent buff, I got const/heal power/kinetic. Note that the buff is heal power/efficiency, not chance to heal.

After that I had a full set of med buffs. I also stack str/agi/const in my clothing and used a defensive saber with block chance in it.

Before you get started, pull up your commands screen and create the following macro;

/ui action toolbarSlot05;
/pause 10;
/m saberblock;

Title the macro saberblock and pick an icon. Pull up a blank toolbar and put the saber block action icon in the #6 slot (note; you can change the number in the macro to any slot you like and then place the icon in any corresponding spot on the bar keeping in mind that the first spot on the bar is 00). This macro cycles almost instantaneously when the action is off cool down. Trust me when I say, having one less thing to worry about is a huge help.

Put anything else you intend to use on this new tool bar. You will not need any attacks/snares or things of that nature. You will need the following on it;

both stance and focus
your most advanced heal
saber block (along with the macro icon that you created)
any heal stims you intend to use
advanced saber reflect (I'll explain that one futher down)
all of your GCW buffs (if you have them)
defensive wild force shard (blue in color, boosts defense for 3 min)
revitalization stim (HK instance, 3 min buff)

When you get to the statue; Light Jedi Statue at Dantooine (-4219 33 4249), get all your main buffs going. Any pups you use, any foods, familiars, ect. Do not start this with your stance active. Instead, activate your focus.

Now that all the mains are out of the way, kneel down and meditate (assuming you have the ability). Wait for the defensive buff to cycle in. Its the one with the blue icon that shows a person reaching for the sky. Stand up and then activate the following;

saber block macro
wild force shard
GCW banner
revitalization stim
Click on the statue.

The npc will spawn and you will begin your fight. Turn off your auto attack. You dont even need to hit this guy. In a game where every boss resets if you don't maintain damage on him, this will feel very strange. You instead need to focus on staying alive.

Running this npc is similar to what one might expect while trying to land a plane. You don't want to focus entirely on your view port as you have important instraments to watch. I barely even looked at the action on the screen. Instead, you have to watch for the debuff and cool down timers of your actions. Fortunately, the debuff icon now shows under your buffs so identifying it is pretty easy.

Now that you have taken a little bit of damage, activate your GCW buffs if you have them.

At this point you are probably nearing the need to heal. Before you heal, you must activate your stance! This will get you the full 10k heal. This is becuase with your focus active, the debuff he offered will not affect your heal while in stance. So click on your stance, fire your heal and saber reflect. Some may advise against the reflect as it causes damage to the npc. However, it also doubles your alacrity which is very important. The damage done to the npc is minimal compared to the amount of protection it offers. Your not supposed to be attacking anyway so the amount of damage from this one buff will be miniscule in comparison. As soon as stance cools down, fire off your focus! This will ensure that if you are debuffed again, it will not be the one that cuts your heal in half. (thanks to masselin for pointing out that saber reflect must be fired off while stance is active)

The two icons are best described as being brown and green. There are pictures in them, but under the circumstances, you won't see what they are. The brown one is up while you have focus, the green while you have stance. There is a possibility that he may fire off the green debuff before you can activate your focus. If he does, just wait it out until you see it go poof or switch to the other one. Then get your stance back up, heal off and get back to your focus asap.

During this battle, your saber block should be cycling automatically. So the only things you need focus on, are the debuffs (which one is active), the cool down on your specials (heal and focus/stance), and rotating into your stance right before you heal, then back to your focus as soon as you can. If you have heal stims, you can time them accordingly in between your main heals. As I said though, I did not use them as I didn't have time to get any.

If you follow this path, you will succeed in defeating him. I cannot vouch for any other way as this is the only way I did it. I know others have completed in different ways, but I can guarantee that this one works. You may not get it on the first try as it takes some practice getting your stance up for a heal then back to focus in the 4 second span you have between the debuffs, but if you keep at it, and use this pattern, you will defeat him. Congratulations, control is now back in your hands.
Q: How long do I need to fight Umack in order to defeat him?

A: This has been asked by multiple people and I'm sorry I didn't clarify earlier. You must 3 full minutes with the light side jedi. 180 seconds total. You do NOT have to kill him. You don't even have to hit him. He will however hit you.......alot.

Taken from GU3 Master Jedi Cloak & 5th Generation Saber Collection Pre-Req Outline at the SoE forums.

Debuffs to watch out for from Umakk

When using Stance, he will apply the following to you periodically.

Master Jedi Cloak Umek2

When using Focus, Umakk will apply the following to you periodically. <Recommended path of Success>

Master Jedi Cloak Umek1

Last edited by Pa-Ec on Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:47 am; edited 8 times in total

Posts : 370
Join date : 2008-03-20
Age : 49
Location : Denmark - EST+6

Main character info
Profession: Commando
CL: 90
Pilot: Rebel Ace Pilot


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Master Jedi Cloak Empty Quillara Adeen

Post  Q'in Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:25 am

Master Jedi Cloak Darkjedi

Taken from An idiot's guide to defeating Umakk Bre'ano and Quillara Adeen on the SoE forums.

  • 2 points str
  • 2 points agi
  • 2 points const
  • 4 points alacrity
  • 2 points in anything else to get 12 (I put mine in saber throw damage)
  • 4 points in saber block (absolute necessity)
  • full light side tree
For an ent buff, I got const/heal power/kinetic. Note that the buff is heal power/efficiency, not chance to heal.

After that I had a full set of med buffs. I also stack str/agi/const in my clothing and used a defensive saber with block chance in it.

Before you get started, pull up your commands screen and create the following macro;

/ui action toolbarSlot05;
/pause 10;
/m saberblock;

Title the macro saberblock and pick an icon. Pull up a blank toolbar and put the saber block action icon in the #6 slot (note; you can change the number in the macro to any slot you like and then place the icon in any corresponding spot on the bar keeping in mind that the first spot on the bar is 00). This macro cycles almost instantaneously when the action is off cool down. Trust me when I say, having one less thing to worry about is a huge help.

Put anything else you intend to use on this new tool bar. You will need all attacks/snares and things of that nature. You will also need the following on it;

your most advanced heal
saber reflect (this one is important)
saber block (along with the macro icon that you created)
any heal stims you intend to use
advanced saber reflect (I'll explain that one futher down)
all of your GCW buffs (if you have them)
offensive wild force shard (red in color, boosts offense for 3 min)
revitalization stim (HK instance, 3 min buff)

When you get to the statue; Dark Jedi Statue at Yavin 4 (-2157 16 7233), get all your main buffs going. Any pups you use, any foods, familiars, ect. Do not start this with your focus active. Instead, activate your stance.

Now that all the mains are out of the way, kneel down and meditate (assuming you have the ability). Wait for the Vision of the Future buff to cycle in. Its the one with the white icon that shows a person's face. Stand up and then activate the following;

saber block macro
wild force shard
GCW banner
revitalization stim
Click on the statue.

The npc will spawn and you will begin your fight. Turn on your auto attack. Don't start button mashing trying to fire off specials. You instead need to focus on staying alive. The key here is keep a steady stream of damage on her while keeping an eye on your health.

Running this npc is similar to what one might expect while trying to land a plane. You don't want to focus entirely on your view port as you have important instraments to watch. I barely even looked at the action on the screen. Instead, you have to watch for the debuff and cool down timers of your actions. Fortunately, the debuff icon now shows under your buffs so identifying it is pretty easy.

The debuff situation on this one is more simplistic than the light side boss. You never need to change your stance out, so the only debuff you get will do the same thing (I actualy failed the first time today trying to switch them out, succeeded by leaving stance up the whole time). When you see the debuf icon, Do not fire ANY of your specials. The debuff takes your health away at the same rate you action goes. When you see the debuff, just focus on your health and let the auto attack do its job. Keeping saber reflect up helps alot. Just keep in mind that when you fire it off, if the debuff is up, you will take damage from it. If you have health to spare, it may be worth it. I didn't use specials much at all. I found that due to lag, the debuff was up before I saw it and I was crushing my health before I had time to react.

You can run a bit and gain yourself a few secs to wait out your heal. I only ran a few seconds and got back into it. Be vary careful not to snare him if you are low on health though as running and watching for the debuff is almost impossible.

Now that you have taken a little bit of damage, activate your GCW buffs if you have them.

At this point you are probably nearing the need to heal.

During this battle, your saber block should be cycling automatically. So the only things you need focus on, is the debuff (so you know when you can fire your specials) and keeping track of your health so that you don't get dead. If you have heal stims, you can time them accordingly in between your main heals. I used a full set of Officer heals for this boss. Had I not had them I might not have made it. I did not have some offensive buffs active though as they were on cool down from the last attempt so you should be able to finish it without them if you have to.

If you follow this path, you will succeed in defeating him. I cannot vouch for any other way as this is the only way I did it. I know others have completed in different ways, but I can guarantee that this one works. You may not get it on the first try as it takes some practice getting your stance up for a heal then back to focus in the 4 second span you have between the debuffs, but if you keep at it, and use this pattern, you will defeat him. Congratulations, control is now back in your hands.

Taken from GU3 Master Jedi Cloak & 5th Generation Saber Collection Pre-Req Outline at the SoE forums.

Debuffs to watch out for from Quillara

When using Stance, she will apply the following to you periodically. <Recommended path of Success>

Master Jedi Cloak Quilarradebuflight

When using Focus, she will apply the following to you periodically.

Master Jedi Cloak Quilarradark

Posts : 370
Join date : 2008-03-20
Age : 49
Location : Denmark - EST+6

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CL: 90
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