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NEWS FLASH from Corellian Times

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NEWS FLASH from Corellian Times Empty NEWS FLASH from Corellian Times

Post  Q'in Sun Jun 29, 2008 2:43 am


Coronet, Corellia - Noxer Aling reporting

In recent days the Galactic Senate has become aware of a frightening trend across the galaxies. What started as a celebration of longevity has turned into a frightening display of frustration amongst the citizens of all the galaxies. Furthermore the events of recent have had social and economical repercussions of biblical proportions.

In a recent statement from the Department of Commerce, Jovin Acklebar Director of Galactic Commerce stated " It would appear that all workers have left their factories, all harvestors have left their fields and even the warriors have left the battlefields to converge on 2 sites within the systems. I fear that if this trend continues the economy will no doubt begin to feel the effects in a downward slide of the economy."

From our correspondent, Kilz Zamore, currently on assignment in the war torn area around Restuss, Rori " It was really strange. The battles fought here everyday have ceased. Both sides appear to have left the battlefields leaving the ravaged streets of once wartorn Restuss eerily quiet. What the politicians have been unable to accomplish, peace, the celebration festivities have been able to accomplish easily" When interviewed Ima Pvpnut, a Commando for the Rebel Alliance, stated " Now that there are no battles I have no idea what I'm going to do!!!!!" Peace has apparently caused feelings of helplessness amongst the warriors of the galaxies.

On a positive note, Minister Hyen Gnaly of the Nightsister Defense Ministry stated " We can gratefully report that the senseless murdering of members of our organization have declined in recent days. Coupled with the new policy of not carrying our holocrons out into the field of battle along with the efforts of the Galactic Senate to distract their vicious hordes, we are now able to start rebuilding our organization to what it once was."

Director Jovin Acklebar was also quoted as saying " Though the cities of Theed and Coronet have seen an increase in their consumer sales of late, reports of lost income from the other cities have been troubling. Claims are being looked into from the bartender and entertainers unions from other cities of lost wages and profits which could lead to economic aid being offered to help them through this turbulent time. Our only hope is this celebration will be over shortly and allow us to get back to normal."

In other locations around the galaxies, Chief Kerritamba of Kashyyk reports tourism on the decline on the Wookiee planet. Chief Hurtyumore of the tusken delegation reports increased profits attributed to easier raids across the Tattoine Plains being left unguarded. In a secret meeting of IG-88, Acxva Min, Exar Kun, Blacksun delegation and the Tusken envoy, their mood is jovial with the decrease in violence towards them.

With the end still a month away, the fate of the galaxy is still very much in question. This reporter hopes to interview members of the Galactic Senate in the coming days in hopes to recieve their comments or opinions.

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NEWS FLASH from Corellian Times Empty Re: NEWS FLASH from Corellian Times

Post  Woobe Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:51 pm

Do you write these?


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