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Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base

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Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base Empty Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base

Post  Q'in Fri Sep 26, 2008 2:45 pm

Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base Echo-hdr

Become a part of a landmark battle in Chapter 11: The Battle of Echo Base! Fight for the Galactic Empire or the Rebel Alliance on the icy fields of Hoth in a Star Wars Galaxies experience unlike any other. This breathtaking heroic encounter puts you at the controls of a Rebel snowspeeder or an Imperial AT-ST as you and your friends jump into the fray at Echo Base.

Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base Choose

Those sympathetic to the Rebel Alliance or Galactic Empire begin their journey to Hoth at the Adventurers' Guildhall in Aurilia.

Only those who have chosen a side in the Galactic Civil War can take part in the battle, and all group members must be the same faction in order to enter the encounter together.

The Empire's ground forces at the battle of Echo Base are commanded by General Maximilian Veers. If you and your allies are Imperial, in this encounter you will support Veers with his task to kill or capture as many of the Rebel personnel as possible before they escape. In addition, the Imperials must act quickly to cut off the supplies of goods and resources to the evacuating Rebel forces.
Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base Echo-2
If you and your group are part of the Rebel Alliance, in this encounter you will assist General Carlist Rieekan and the Rebels stationed at Echo Base with escaping the Imperial onslaught. The ultimate goal of the Rebel Alliance is to evacuate Echo Base with as much manpower and material as can reasonably be preserved.

Depending on where your allegiance lies, you and your fellow adventurers must complete specific goals in this heroic encounter. Each stage of the battle has its own objectives and goals, so keep an eye on both your comm window and the Quest Journal for important updates! The major players of the battle direct you and your team to where you are needed in the fight.

Once you and your allies are ready to fight, the battle begins on the north field.

Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base Fight

The north field is the primary battle line. The Empire is making their move toward the shield generator and the Rebels are trying their utmost to buy time for those still in Echo Base.

Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base Echo-4

The operational generator keeps the shield at full strength and the ion cannon on the field provides cover for the escaping transports. Once the generator is lost, the north field will quickly follow as the area will be overwhelmed with Imperial forces.

Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base Imperial

Imperial forces consist of AT-ATs and AT-STs supported by the snowtrooper light infantry. You and your group can commandeer the AT-STs to take on the Rebellion's troops on the ground. Use the radial menu on the AT-ST and choose Enter/Exit Vehicle to escort the AT-ATs.

Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base Echo-3

Accompany and protect the AT-ATs by destroying Alliance snowspeeders and fixed gun emplacements scattered throughout the north field. It's up to you and your allies to get the AT-ATs to optimum firing distance on the shield generator and lose as few Imperial forces as possible to the Rebel forces.

Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base Rebel

A light infantry, fixed turret emplacements, and snowspeeders comprise the Rebel forces defending Echo Base. Ground infantry can do little damage to an AT-AT, so your group's primary concern for the north field is escorting the sapper units into proper position.

Rebel forces can engage the AT-ATs by piloting a snowspeeder on the icy field. Use the radial menu to enter a snowspeeder on the field outside of the Echo Base hangar.

Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base Echo-6

Snowspeeders are exceedingly important to make a direct impact against AT-ATs; these quick fighters inflict more damage than troops on the ground and need to be protected. Defend the shield generator and take out as many AT-ATs as you can to buy the escaping transports as much time as possible.

Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base Inside

Echo Base is a major Rebel stronghold, so there is a significant amount of material vital to the survival of the Alliance located inside the base.

Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base Echo-7

Darth Vader and the Empire are focused on capturing the leaders of the Rebellion as well as any vital information inside. Rebels must concentrate on evading the Imperial attack while continuing to evacuate all personnel with as many supplies as possible.

Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base Imperial

With the primary shield generator destroyed, reinforcements are arriving quickly from the Star Destroyers in orbit above. Assist snowtroopers, grenadiers, and squad leaders inside the mazelike caverns of Echo Base to secure the Rebel's supplies in the base.

Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base Echo-8

Infiltrate and disable the command center inside the base to deal a major blow to the Rebellion's evacuation efforts.

Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base Rebel

Every transport that can get away is a point of victory for the Rebel Alliance, and the more stocked a transport, the better off they will be to continue the fight in the future.

Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base Echo-9

Assist the Rebellion by evacuating as much of the base personnel as possible.

Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base Evacuation

One of the most vital areas of Echo Base is the evacuation point, a field where the transports and their escorts are taking off to escape the wrath of the Empire. Most of the non-combat personnel have already departed from Hoth, leaving a large concentration of Rebel forces still on the base. Failing all else, this is the last line of defense for the Rebels and the ultimate victory for the Imperials.

Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base Imperial

This is your last chance to wreak havoc on the retreating Alliance forces. Imperial snowtroopers may join you in the assault or remain inside the base fighting pockets of resistance.

Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base Echo-10

Concentrate your firepower on the remaining transports and caches of supplies and equipment to make a dent in the Rebels' resources.

Friday Feature – Battle of Echo Base Rebel

The evacuation point is where the escaping forces of Echo Base make their last stand. Protect the remaining transports at all cost and complete the evacuation of Rebel forces from Hoth. If a transport is destroyed, Rebel personnel assigned to that transport will surrender.


Make a stand on the north field, destroy the shield generator protecting Echo Base, protect Rebel transports as they escape, and more – all in the newest heroic encounter in Chapter 11!

Posts : 370
Join date : 2008-03-20
Age : 49
Location : Denmark - EST+6

Main character info
Profession: Commando
CL: 90
Pilot: Rebel Ace Pilot


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