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Player of the Year 2009 Contest

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Player of the Year 2009 Contest Empty Player of the Year 2009 Contest

Post  Q'in Sat Apr 18, 2009 3:30 pm

Player of the Year 2009 Contest POTY_banner_600

Sony Online Entertainment
Player of the Year 2009 Contest

Get ready to celebrate with fellow gamers and the creators of your favorite Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) games at this year’s 2009 Fan Faire, June 25-29, at Bally’s Las Vegas! You’ll have the unique opportunity to engage in lots of social activities, including in-game tournaments, developer forums, live quests, and the chance to be honored as SOE’s Player of the Year!

The Contest:

From Friday, April 17, 2009, 12:01 a.m. PST, through Sunday, May 10, 2009, 11:59 p.m. PST, SOE will host it’s official Fan Faire Player of the Year 2009 contest in which you can go online and nominate the most dedicated SOE player (including yourself) for this coveted title! We want to know who YOU think is the most deserving and why!

Do you know someone who is the poster child for your favorite SOE title? So dedicated to the game, he or she walks around with bloodshot eyes, sleep deprived, wearing his or her favorite wrinkled SOE T-shirt? Does this player stand out as the first person to go beyond the call of duty to help fellow community gamers in and out of the game? If so, you may have the perfect candidate, and we want to know more!

To enter the contest, simply submit a 300 word (or less) letter or role-playing story by e-mail to SOEContests@soe.sony.com explaining why this exceptional player deserves to be honored as Player of the Year. You may also include a link to an image (screen capture, artwork, video, or photo) to go along with your entry. See the Official Contest Rules for submission requirements.

At the end of the contest, up to two lucky winners will receive a trip to Vegas to join us in the festivities. So good luck to everyone, and we look forward to seeing you at Fan Faire!

How to Enter:

Please view the Official Contest Rules to determine eligibility for this contest before submitting an entry.

Submissions should be sent in an e-mail to SOEContests@soe.sony.com. Be sure to include all of the following information with your submission:

  • Subject of E-mail: SOE Player of the Year 2009 - Main Game Name (Include game name in the subject.)
  • Real Name:
  • Character Name:
  • Server Name:
  • Station Name: (Username – Do not include passwords.)
  • Mailing Address: (Street Address, Apt. #, City, Zip Code – Do not use P.O. Box.)
  • Forum Community Handle: (If applicable)
  • E-mail Address:
  • Submission Text:
    • Length: 300 words or less.
    • The written entry can be placed directly in the body of the e-mail.
    • Written entries should be in plain text (.txt), a Word document (.doc), or rich text (.rtf).
    • All entries should be in Times New Roman text format, font size 12, single spaced.
    • Please do not use indents, emoticons, or all caps, and avoid slang terms unless it fits within the theme of your entry.
    • Spell out server names, city names, and other terminology as much as possible.
    • Please use spell check before submitting the entry. Entries will be reviewed for typos, but those that require too much editing may be disqualified.
Additional Nomination Submission Information:

  • If you are nominating someone for Player of the Year, you may want to let that player know in case he or she would prefer not to be considered.
  • We do not need you to include the nominee’s Station Account or mailing address; we only need the character name and the server name. We’ll retrieve the extra information where it’s needed.
  • Be sure to have the nominee update his or her e-mail address on his or her Station Account.
Optional Image Information:
  • You can include a link to where an image (screen capture, artwork, video or photo) is hosted, but all files must be hosted externally. The supporting image will not be downloaded, so it has to be readily accessible in that location.
  • Do not include anything with your submission that is copyrighted.
  • The nominee must be a U.S. resident and 21 years of age.
Grand Prize Winners (Up to 2)

  • Each Grand Prize consists of one (1) round-trip, coach airline ticket from a major airport near the Grand Prize Winner’s home (determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion) to Las Vegas, Nev., along with standard hotel room accommodations and ground transportation to and from the Las Vegas airport (all selected by Sponsor in its sole discretion) and an All-Access pass to SOE’s Fan Faire 2009 event to be held June 25-28, 2009, at Bally’s hotel in Las Vegas, Nev. (Approximate retail value: $690.00.)
Contest Rules:

  • Please review the Official Contest Rules before submitting a nomination.
  • The nominee must be an active SOE subscriber to at least one of the games with an account being in good standing.
  • The nominee must be a U.S. residents and 21 years of age.
  • Please remember to abide by Station Terms of Service when participating in this contest or you will be disqualified, and further action may be taken.

Posts : 370
Join date : 2008-03-20
Age : 49
Location : Denmark - EST+6

Main character info
Profession: Commando
CL: 90
Pilot: Rebel Ace Pilot


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